Are You Considering All The Options?

Brian shares some thoughts on his on going trip to California.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Are you considering all the options?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Coming here tonight, from the road, we’re well, not technically the road, we’re already at our destination and California visiting family. And it’s another one of those strange situations. So we have the situation where we’re in the middle of 2020, I keep saying middle of 2020, we’re on the tail end of 2020, it’s December of 2020.

And we have a situation where both Oregon and California have a number of regulations that limit the amount of travel you should be doing the times of night. That you should be out the amount of people you should be meeting with, even if it’s family, for first Thanksgiving, and now for Christmas.

And so what I’m very openly taking my family, my wife, my three kids, traveling from Oregon to California to visit a pretty good sized family down here.

And I understand that the, that may be something that you disagree with, or something you wouldn’t want to take the chance with. But it’s very similar to how you’re running your business.

Nowadays there are so many regulations, there are so many laws, there are so many edicts that are being put out here, there and everywhere, that you have to know what all your options are, you have to know what’s all on the table.

Because eventually, and those of you who have been successful enough know this to be true, you’re going to be sued, you’re going to be taken to the to the court for something. And it may have been something that you intentionally did, or it may be something that you didn’t mean to do, it may be an actual breaking of a rule.

Or it could just be how they’re bending the language to make it look that way. There are so many things out there, you’re probably doing something against the law right now, whether you know it or not, I’m probably doing something against the law just by just by the words I’m using, I don’t know or perhaps against the regulations of YouTube or all the other places that we’re, we’re broadcasting this from.

In other words, it, you can’t help it one way or the other, you’re going to be doing something that someone can use against you in the long run. And you have to do your best at knowing as many of the options as possible.

The question is, do you know all the options on the table?

Do you know the risks from taking this step versus that step?

I’m just using the example of my family as one of the options, I have a business that’s relatively slim, it’s has the ability, I can take it on the road with me, I continue doing my media and so forth from road, I can do a lot of anything that I need to do, I can do it from a remote location. I don’t have a whole lot of employees or anything of that sort.

So I don’t have to worry about dragging a whole lot of people along either with the risks that I take the risks that I take, I take it on my own and I and I take that and I take them for what they’re worth, I have to weigh that out before I take them. That’s owning a business.

The real question is, do you have people on your team that are helping you to weigh out those risks, to look at the pros and the cons all along the way?

From all the major steps that you’re taking in business?

And most of those major steps I like to think of is in terms of strategy.

What strategies are you taking?

And are you running that across enough people with the right for thought to think about the risks that you may be taken?

And one of the big ones right now is everything surrounding COVID-19.

All of the regulations and all the edicts and everything else that’s been put out there?

Are you considering all your options?

If not, I’d recommend you getting someone on your team that has the ability to map these things out for you. Or hiring someone part time or bringing on a consultant like myself, a strategist, someone who has a background in strategy that can help you map this stuff out. And not just do it once.

But come back on a regular basis, a weekly or a monthly basis to help you go through that process and keep you on track. That’s a big deal. It’s absolutely necessary.

It’s one of the things that I’ve, I’ve had the people that have helped me out with my business on that end have made the biggest difference in the world, the ability that I’ve been able to help out other businesses on there and the amount that I’ve been able to help them is, it is it multiplies over and over and over again.

So look into this a little bit deeper, watch some more of the videos that I have on my site. And over at

Also go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. I don’t have a copy of it right here. But you go you can go check out a copy of that at Get a free copy, a free electronic copy for you. we’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, you get out there and let the magic happen.