Standout Now!

Part 30 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Standout now!

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. And when I’m talking about standing out, I’m talking about you and your business. The whole game is standing out, getting out there being seen. If you’re not standing up and standing out, then you’re just like everybody else. You’re just another face in the crowd.

Someone may just happen upon you. Someone may have heard you were good from somebody else. Is that any way to really run your business, though?

Today we’re going to talk about one thing is standing out, there’s going to be multi levels here.

What’s it take to stand out?

Well, the top way that I recommend standing out in the crowd is to do content marketing, doing any form of content marketing, but committing to it over a period of time, if you aren’t doing already paid advertising a large amount of paid advertising, especially online, but anywhere, anywhere that you see that it’s working.

If you aren’t doing paid advertising, then you need to be doing organic content marketing, which means you need to be putting out articles, blogs, and so forth. You need to be doing some type of video or some type of audio, you need to be out there regularly. And when I mean regularly, I mean as regularly as possible.

So daily, if at all possible, multiple day, multiple times a day, if you can. But if you get out daily, that’d be huge. If you get out once a week, it’d be better probably than where you’re at right now. That’s how you go about standing out. That’s the process that it takes to stand out. Now I’m going to go deeper into why I’m talking about standing out now today, in just a moment.

But I want to let you know that if you really want to stand out, I got nine exclusive ways that you could stand out in my book nine ways to Amazon proof your business. Being Amazon proof is just the idea of had been competition group not having competition, not even allowing the big guys like to be your competition.

That’s what Amazon proof is all about. Go get a free copy at my newest book, for your own free copy. Otherwise, you get it anywhere that books are sold. Now, why am I bringing this up today?

It’s because this is part of a series that we’re doing all on the tactics surrounding the strategy of content marketing. Content Marketing is what I talk about a lot, I talk about other strategies in my book.

But if you’re going to be doing content marketing, if you’re going to be doing paid advertising, or both out there, you’re gonna need to know about the concept of headlines. And this is the entire series all about headlines.

These are this is not stuff that I made up. This is stuff that came from a guy named john caples. He wrote a book that anybody can go out there and get tested advertising methods, I don’t get paid for this. I just love the book. I love the stuff that john caples talks about and the people that have gone back over his stuff and rewritten A lot of it and made a lot of it more relevant to today. This is the fifth edition. And there are 35 proven formulas for writing headlines. And this is from all from chapter five.

This is number 30. I believe that right?

Yeah, number 30 out of the list of 35.

We’ve done 30 all the way up till now we’ve got five more to go. But this is this is this one. This one is very similar to the last two. The last one we talked about is using a two word headline the one before that is the reasons why you would want to use a one word headline today we’re gonna talk about why you want to use a three word headline, like standing out, stand out now, you know, why would you do something like that? The same reasons. They use one word or two word.

Being very distinct and clear about your audience. Not that standout. Now is all that clear and distinct, but it plays to the crowd I’m already talking to. So saying stand out now is one way of doing it that you can come up with better ways. Here’s a couple of examples.

Okay, these are three word headlines if you saw it, you have an idea of whether you want to read more or see more or watch more. Listen to these. burn fat faster. Get August free. That’s for a long distance service back when long distance costs money. Expand with style. That’s for home remodelers

double bonus sale see obviously somebody These are probably going to accompany a picture or something like that that’ll pull a person in further, they’re probably not the best headlines in the world.

But if you can bring your message down to three words, that’s another way that you can get your message out there in a very clear cut manner. If you could do that, you and you can focus on who you’re going after, and what they can expect to read or see or watch in the following. If they click on what you have, or if they’re reading the rest of an advertisement that you have out there. After they go through that headline, they should be clear about where they’re going next, and whether they want to spend their time there. That’s, that’s what it’s all about.

That’s what headlines are always about. But break it down to three is, if nothing more, it’s a great exercise to be able to really see okay, how can I minimize the words to make each word a little bit more powerful?

Now, don’t worry, tomorrow is not about having a four word headline.

Okay, that’s the last of the numbered headlines. We are going to go into something else differently tomorrow and number 31. So why don’t you join me back here tomorrow as we go in the next few days as we go through the next five proven formulas for writing headlines that john caples talks about, and join me on a daily basis because we put these out on a daily basis to help you and your business to stand out to be completely different and to really shine out there so that you can blow away the competition. You have a great night.

We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.