Which Of These Headline Templates Do You Like The Best?

Part 19 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

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Which of these headline templates do you like the best?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Once again, I’m coming to you from my dark in new car out in the middle of nowhere. Today’s middle of nowhere is in Clovis, California, I think we’re in Clovis, Fresno area.

And I just coming back home late visiting my in laws, and coming home late after going to see a comedy show with my brother in law and sister that was a lot of fun, that they were on the stage doing the comedy, it was really good stuff.

But we’re here to talk about headline templates.

Okay, we’ve been doing this series of the top 35 headline formulas for these formulas for writing headlines that were put out by john caples. A million years ago, in his book tested advertising methods and we’re on to number 19.

This one I displayed in the book in the title of this video and podcast, when I’m talking when I use the word witch.

So this is number 19. This is a headline template you could use begin your headline with the word witch, whi ch which started out like that, here’s a couple of examples to get for you to kind of get the feeling for it.

Which is the best battery value for your car.

Which of these five skin troubles would you like to end?

And here’s a slightly different one that doesn’t even use the word witch but it has the same connotations. Do you have these symptoms of nervous exhaustion you see what what it’s doing is it’s it’s listing things out it’s doing something very similar that we’ve seen online on social media.

You’ve no doubt seen it if you have a Facebook or anything of that sort, where you have basically a quiz you know, find out which of these things you know, find out which which this which that and it pulls you in by you discovering more about yourself.

Let me tell you what John Caples says about that, he says, this type of headline that he’s talking about this last one that I just read this, do you have symptoms and nervous exhaustion. This type of headline has two advantages. Number one, it’s interesting, it appeals to the readers keen interest in themselves.

They like to find out if their own difficulty is among those mentioned, you see, and we could all see that we all know, something like that, that we were attracted to a quiz to take or anything of that sort.

Number two, the mentioning of a number of symptoms enables copywriters to cover much ground, almost every reader is likely to have at least one of the symptoms. So it doesn’t really matter what you’re attempting to get across. If you can pull a person in by asking them which, which of these are you interested in.

So tonight, I was asking, you know, which headline works the best for you and what you want to do? We’re only covering one type of headline tonight, we’re using the word “which,” go back and watch some of these other videos that I’m doing, where we talk about other words, you can use other formulas that you can use to create stellar headlines.

When we’re talking headlines, we’re not just talking headlines themselves for advertising, just those type of templates. We’re talking any type of headline, the type of headline that you use as a subject line, and an email address, or the title for a podcast or a video, or anything of that sort.

Anything that you’re putting out there as a form of advertisement or content to pull people into your business. This is what we’re talking about when we’re talking about headlines. So learning more about this is learning more about your market base.

It’s learning more about the people whose attention you’re trying to get. If you want to stand out, you got to know about headlines, because heddle behind headlines is AI psychology, and the science of standing out. It’s capturing people’s attention.

That’s what it’s all about. And a big piece of that I cover in my book nine ways to Amazon proof your business.

If you want to get your own free copy, you can go to AmazonProofBook.com.

Otherwise, hey, one way or the other, stick with us. Make sure you watch all of these videos in this series. Like I said, we went through number 19 tomorrow night we’re going to hit on number 20.

Regardless of where I’m at, I’ll think I’ll be in Fresno tomorrow. Maybe we’ll be somewhere with a little bit more light. I’m sorry about the darkness for those of you watching this on video.

And you can always listen to these via podcast wherever you listen to podcasts. Just Brian J. Pombo Live and search us out there you can always listen there and make sure you never miss an episode. You have a great night we’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.