How Easy Headlines Can Be

Part 17 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


How easy headlines can be.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I am coming to you from Tracy, California, a little bit of a different location, different lighting, and so forth with a different background.

This is gonna be a quick one, we are on number 17. We’re going through the 35 proven formulas for writing headlines. These were all written by John Caples, from his book Tested Advertising Methods.

I don’t have my copy of my book. So I had to have my podcast extraordinare producer Sean Douglas, I had to have him take pictures and send them to me, so that we can still have this discussion. Because I did have all the all the ones that I’m going to be talking about while I’m on it out of town.

So here’s number 17. I got a picture of it. I wrote down some details so that we could talk about it a little bit here. And this is a real simple one nother real simple one.

Last time we talked about using the term how to this is simply using nothing more than just the word how starting something out with how you’re giving someone the idea that this is going to be informational, that you’ve got some information to lay down on them, you got something to tell them.

So this follows along with some of the other headlines that we were talking about some of the other formulas that we use, especially the ones that have to do with stories. I’ll give you a couple of examples here. So I’ve got it here, John Caples said that it’s basically begin your headline with the word house. That’s the formula. That’s how easy it could be.

Okay, just putting HOW on the front end?

Here’s a couple of examples.

How do I connect my business to the internet?

How this new invention is revolutionising concrete construction?

How I started a new life with $7.

Now, you might be saying, well, I wouldn’t be interested in just clicking on those who are reading any more of any of those. But you may not be the ideal audience. So these are all things to keep in mind.

You have to think about who your ideal audience is. And how can you put something out there in a real simple way. Putting how on the front end of it, to just capture attention and get people to do the next step.

Whether it be click on an email, whether it be watch the video that you’re that you’re producing, or anything else. headlines are an important part. This is a simple formula that can make headline writing super easy.

Hopefully you found that interesting.

We’re gonna be going over number 18 tomorrow. So be sure to tune in then. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving if you haven’t already, and we’ll see you tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Go to get my free book. Go check it out, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof your business. You have a great night.