Do 3 Easy Payments Work?

Part 12 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

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Do 3 Easy Payments Work.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

You know, we were doing this series on headlines. And during this process, it’s funny, we’re going through the 35 proven headline formulas presented by John Caples.

In his book Tested Advertising Methods, these are all in chapter five. And we’re up to number 12. Right now.

I’ve started to notice a trend is not only is he giving you ideas for headlines with each of these, but he’s also giving you marketing ideas for how to go about marketing things.

So this is a great example.

It’s all about offering easy payment plans, he says, really, if you’re doing an easy payment plan, put it in the headline, but really starts talking about the benefits of having a payment plan, having some type of easy payment plan instead of just having a lump sum and that’s it.

Having a payment plan on top of it, that gives at least an option for the people that don’t necessarily either want to put that money up front right away, or don’t necessarily have that money up front right away.

So here’s what he says about number 12. The feature an easy payment plan in your headline says sales tests show that the offer to sell merchandise on the installment plan creates many sales that otherwise would be lost.

Many ads mentioned easy payment in the copy, some successful ads have featured this appeal in the headline. Okay.

So that’s the whole idea is just if you’re doing it, put it in the headline. But we already know it works for the marketing end of things. So it’s something to consider regardless of what you’re selling, especially if you’re talking about an item that has a large number on it that has a large price.

Offering a payment plan makes a lot of sense in most cases.

Here’s a couple of examples of headlines. Order now pay after January 10. So there’s putting off a payment, you know, only $2 a week buys this new cassette player.

Well, that’s kind of dated Hmm. But no money down easy payments. When you buy cyclone fence, there’s a no money down offer. So you can either chunk a payment, or you can put off payments or things of that.

And he’s just talking about how can you make an easy payment plan?

How can you put that into the headline.

Now that’s going to attract a certain type of person. This is also the things you have to keep in mind with headlines is the headline is going to be an attractor. And if you don’t want to attract the discount person, or the person that wants to put off a payment right off the bat. You may not want to make that your headline, even if you do offer the option.

You may want to think very closely about what your headline is and who’s going to be seeing it to begin with. Now, if you’re putting it out broad online, over social media depends on whether you’re doing a paid ads or something that’s more targeted.

But if you don’t know if it’s hitting your target market, you have to be very careful about the headline and think about who you’re attracting with it. So that’s just some thoughts to keep in mind when it comes to this particular headline formula.

So we’re going through all 35 of this headline formulas, kind of given some background, given some of the examples that he gives, and kind of going from there, you can go check out all of these, wherever you’re watching this, you’ll be able to see the others you could also go on to YouTube, we’re gonna have a playlist with all of these there depending on when you’re seeing this. So go check that out.

Also, if you are a business owner, that’s looking to take your business from where it’s at, to really take it to higher heights and not quite sure exactly some of the ideas of how to get there. Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Nine ways to Amazon prove your business you can get a free copy at

We’ll be back here tomorrow with number 13 in the list of 35. In the meantime, you get out there and let the magic happen.