At Last – Email Subject Line Formulas You Can Use

Part 6 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

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At last – Email subject line formulas that you can use.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We’re going through the top 35 headline formulas that were created by John Caples. You find them in this book, Tested Advertising Methods. Or watch this video series where I review each of these steps.

This is the sixth step. And when we’re talking headlines, it doesn’t matter whether you’re talking email subject lines, or YouTube titles, or a title for your blog, or the headline on a an article or an advertisement that you’re putting out there.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s online, or it’s offline, the same thing captures humans eyes no matter what. Okay, the same thing works. Now, to get them to the point to where they actually see it. That’s something else we were talking about that before.

And you can you can look up all of our videos on SEO on search engine optimization, that’s something different. But once you’re in front of them, to get them to pay attention, and to go in deeper into whatever it is that you’re talking about.

That requires doing using formulas like this. And you could do this, like I said, for email subjects, it’s a great way to be able to do it. Because if you’re already in their email box, you’ve that’s half the battle, then you just got to get him to open up the email. And that’s all comes from the subject line.

So this is number six, he says begin your headline with the words at last. Once again, it’s very similar to the other ones using a word or words, to be able to get somebody to pay attention to it.

When you say at last, you’re saying in in a sense, this is important, what you’re about to see hasn’t been done before. And so like I used for a title for this video, we just put the words at last in front. So he’s got different versions in this book of how you can go about doing that at last a steam iron with a magic brain, at last a toothbrush guaranteed for six months.

He says using the words at last creates the impression that here at last after long preparation is a product that many people have been waiting for. It doesn’t have to be a product, it can be anything, a variation of it last, you can use similar things like has a remedy for the common cold, that has a remedy for the common cold than found at last. So just putting that last in different part.

And then there’s here’s two approaches to at last news quality without using the actual words. So here’s a ways to do the exact same thing.

Finally, professional flea control at a fair price just using the word finally instead of it last, imagine an automobile so precisely engineered, it feels as if it were formed from a single piece of steel. You see, same idea at last kind of pulls the person in, gets them to read the rest of the sentence. And then hopefully gets them to go the next step whether that be clicking an opening an email, watching a video, reading the rest of your article, what have you. It’s the same idea. If you get really good at writing headlines, a lot of things will open up to you because you have the ability to capture people’s attention, which is what it’s all about. Hopefully that makes sense to you.

If you’d like some tips on how to take your business from where it’s at to really make it explode and do away with competition, which is a huge part of getting your business to explode.

Check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You could find a free copy for yourself and anyone you know, at That’s

We’ll be back tomorrow with number seven in this list and you’ll be able to find depending on when you’re watching this you’ll be able to find all the ones we’ve done up till now. We’re gonna do all 35 in a playlist. So go and check that out.

And we’ll be back here tomorrow. You have a great one. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.