Now YouTube Titles Are Easy!

Part 5 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Now, YouTube titles are easy.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Is not just about YouTube titles, this is a video all about how to title anything. It’s what we call a headline. A headline could be anything, it could be a YouTube title could be an email subject, it could be the title of an article, it doesn’t matter, it could be the just the headline of an advertisement that you have out there.

And we’re talking about the number five way of designing great headlines is specifically from john caples, book, tested advertising methods. These are what he calls his 35 proven formulas for writing headlines, and this is the fifth one, this is a series I’m doing, you can go back and watch all the ones up until now.

You’ll be able to watch all the ones after this depending on when you’re watching. Because there’s going to be especially if you’re on YouTube, you’ll be able to see a playlist, check the description, you should be able to see it and you’ll get to see everything up to date out of those 35, including a very special video on why you why you would want to use headlines if that’s something you’re interested in.

But if you’re looking to title, YouTube videos, this is a great example of a word that it’s you can use it just about any time to be able to get a little bit more attention. It doesn’t mean that these aren’t, this isn’t the same concept as keywords, or SEO.

This is more about once a person once you’re in front of them. SEO search engine optimization is all about getting in front of a person. So hitting those keyword phrases and so forth that someone’s searching for.

Beyond that, what happens when you’re on the big list in front of them, what is going to make you really stick out and be the one that they’re going to click on. That’s what headlines is all about. And that’s what we’re talking about here. This is a very simple concept.

Number five, begin your headline with the word now, just by saying now, you’re drawing them in. And you’re saying now, this something you’re saying that you’re newsworthy, without having to come right out and say this is news. This is brand new.

You know, yesterday, we were just talking about the power of the word new. This is the power of the word now. Because you’re saying this is something you have to know about right now, this is this is newsworthy in the moment. Okay. here’s the examples that john caples gives in his book now in paperback. Now…..learn both ways to write for publication. Now, even depth tillage is even easier.

Excuse me, it’s both supposed to be pronounced even depth, tillage is even easier. Boston and La now hour away. Now on home video, for those of you who remember the concept of home video. Here’s a successful headline, which contains both now and new. Now there’s a system new series leads to get success.

These are the examples that he’s given. And you can understand the purpose behind it. It’s a simple concept, a simple idea, adding a simple word to attract some attention to what you’re talking about.

To give it the I the concept of being a news headline, which is what this grouping these initial, let me say these are the first eight ideas that he has all center around giving your headlines kind of a news worthy feel to them. We’re going to be going through number six tomorrow. So stay tuned. Take notes. This is stuff that never goes away. This is an old book, an old book.

But what it’s talking about is reality. These are words that still work to this day. It doesn’t matter whether you’re making a headline for an ad, a newspaper, or whether you’re doing something more modern, like a YouTube title.

Hopefully that’s helpful to you. Hey, if you’d like some ideas on how to really spice up your business and make yourself completely indestructible, to competition, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. It’s a new book just came out a couple months ago, you get a free copy at

Why am I giving away free copies of this book?

It’s because I want you to get the information that’s in the book. And then I want you to I want to talk to you about it. I want to see how it’s been able to help your business. Go take the info, use it and come back To me and tell me how it’s helped you, because that’s what I really love to be able to see. I know you’ll be able to help other people and then long run, we’ll all be able to make money off of these ideas because these are ideas that I took from other places. And hopefully they’ll be helpful to you.

We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.