Announcing Formulas For Writing Headlines

From chapter 5 from John Caples classic book, Tested Advertising Methods.

The value of using the word “Announcing” at the beginning of your headline.

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Announcing formulas for writing headlines.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re going to go through the second of John Caples fabulous 35 proven formulas for writing headlines, it can be found in this book tested advertising methods which can go

Go get yourself a copy of anywhere their books are sold. It’s a classic by John Caples.

And this is from chapter five, we’re going through each point one by one in excruciating detail. First, I wanted to remind you that I also have my own book out nine ways to Amazon proof your business. So if you’re looking to completely work around competition, and be able to make it to where come You know, you just don’t have any competition. When it comes to you and your business.

Check out my book, 9 Ways To Amazon-Proof Your Business. So you can get that a free copy at Now, let’s talk about that headline tip for the day.

This is like I said, the second one in this book, and it says begin your headline with the word announcing. That’s it.

I mean, this is what he’s talking about is giving your headlines, a news quality, like they’re a news headline. So whether this is an ad in a paper or a magazine or something of physical value, whether it’s an email that you’re sending out and the headline is basically the subject line of the email.

Whether you’re putting out any type of content on social media, or you’re putting out a YouTube video and you need a title for it. That’s also headlines. So if you use the word announcing, it gives a very much a newslite quality, especially if you if you are talking about something that’s timely, it makes a big difference.

So it gives a couple couple examples here, you know, announcing a great new car, announcing a new dictionary announcing a new selection of brand name video cameras, announcing new Firestone tires.

And then you could use different forms of announcing he talks about you know, golf announces a new and different gasoline. An important announcement of homeowners or excuse me an important announcement to homeowners.

That’s the whole idea just using that word that is used in headline. It’s used every once a while in advertising, but it’s oftentimes used in news. So announcing this it kind of draws a person in there’s a there’s a subconscious psychology behind it. That pulls you in. It’s like okay, well what’s been enough, what’s going on? What’s happening?

Simple, it’s a simple thing that you can plug and play and make any headline a little bit more alluring to who’s interested in checking it out. Now if you want to check out all 35 of these headline tips, watch the rest of these videos we have a series as I go along if you’re watching this brand new, then you’re you’re gonna have to hang in there for the rest of them. But this is we’ve gone through the first two the 35 and we’re going to hit all the rest of them will have a playlist up later that you can go check out or be check it out now depending on when you’re watching this.

Other than that we do things every night here at Brian J. Pombo Live brought to you by and my new book, 9 Ways To Amazon-Proof Your Business. You have a great night we’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.