Two Things To Do Following The Election

Life is amazing. Don’t forget to keep on living!

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Two things to do following the election.

I am Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J Pombo.Live.

You know, a lot of people were thrown off by the craziness of an election, especially one that’s happening this year in 2020. Because there’s so much chaos going on and so many arguments about who’s right and who’s wrong and everything else.

So what do you do afterwards?

As all the dust starts to settle, where do you go?

Even if you feel like you got cheated, or anything else, where do you go from here?

Two steps, two things you need to do.

One, keep living, okay, you got to keep living, you have to move on. And there’s not a whole lot that most of us can do, unless you’re in those circles to have any effect on what’s happening with national politics. And if you do, you got to keep moving in that direction.

If you don’t like most of us, you just got to keep living, you got to find something productive to do. I work with business owners, I even help people start their own businesses if they’ve never done it before.

But my main area of expertise is in helping business owners take themselves from where they’re at and build their business up to where they want it to be. And its most ideal state for them. In some cases, they want to build it up to the point to where they can sell it. In other cases, they just they can just see just so far, they see probably 510 years in the future, where they’re making a certain amount of money and have a certain amount of responsibility in the company.

That’s tends to be my audience, which is why I went out, I wrote this book, 9 Ways To Amazon-Proof Your Business. And if you happen to be a business owner that’s looking to improve your business and take it to the next level, I suggest getting a free copy of the book, go to

If you like the electronic copy, there’s another way you get a hard copy at a good price over there Amazon proof is

That’s the first thing you do, you got to keep living, you got to find a way you got to be productive, find something that inspires you and move forward with it.

The second thing you got to do is be around people. You if if you are if you’ve achieved anything in life, and I don’t mean achieved in the sense of you made a lot of money. I’m saying that you’ve you’ve survived, okay, you survived to the age you’re at, you’re relatively happy with where you’re at.

And you probably have something to pass along to other people. It’s not going to happen unless you put yourself in a room with other people unless you put yourself in an environment where you can influence them. Find a way to influence other people. And it’s not something you could force on them.

But you do need to put yourself out there, maybe it’s a maybe you got to make YouTube videos like this, maybe you’ve got to put out a podcast, maybe you have to start talking to other people that you know that are doing things that are putting things out there and ask them how to go about doing it. You’ve got a story to tell.

You’ve got to keep living, and you’ve got to inspire others. Those are the two things I recommend in any situation where you feel like you don’t know what to do next. And it’s a common thing I’m hearing from people regarding this election, regardless of what side they’re on. afterwards. This is kind of like this.

Okay, now what know what do I do?

I’ve invested so much of myself into the outcome of this, now where do I go?

Try those two things, start there and let me know what you end up thinking of that.

Leave a comment down below. And let’s have a little conversation back and forth about this because I’d be interested if you think that’s a good place to start. And if you do start there. Where’s it take you, I’d love to find out.

Hey, that’s all I got for tonight. nice simple one. You have a great night, come back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.