3rd Question Before Starting a New Business

Part 3 of a three part video series on questions to ask yourself before starting a new venture.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️ https://brianjpombo.com/amazonbook/


The third question to ask yourself before starting a new business.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’m gonna get straight into that third question. But I want to remind you, if you haven’t been watching up until now, go back and watch those first two questions because they matter a whole lot.

This is the third question in pretty much the order of how I’d recommend asking it. If you’re looking at starting a new business, but not just a new business, any type of new venture in your life, if you’re looking to add something into your life, these are the these are the three questions I would ask.

And this third one is a little more ethereal. It’s a little more non-concrete. But if you’ve answered if you’ve gotten past the first two questions, this is the third one and but it’s the most important. This is the most important question to ask.

And it’s a little tough to even put into words. But what I’m really going to ask you is

What does your intuition say?

In other words, what’s your gut telling you?

There’s a movie, old movie that’s worth watching called Double Indemnity.

Not necessarily…..even though it’s an old black and white film noir movie, it’s not necessarily a good one to watch with kids just because there’s so much, very graphic language, but not vulgar.

It’s very full of sexual innuendo. I mean, the thing is just brimming.

It’s hilarious. And you’re going to be sitting there laughing. And your kids are gonna be saying, What’s that mean? And you don’t want to have to explain it to them.

So watch it after. But it’s great movie, Frederick Murray playing a serious role. And excellent job. Barbara Stanwyck and Edward G. Robinson. These are old actors.

I don’t know if you know who they are or not. But Edward G. Robinson plays a detective.

And in the movie he talks about, he’s got this little man on the inside. I got this little man. And he tells me, he tells me what’s what’s right. And what’s wrong basically about things. And if you know, everything could be working okay, on a case.

But if the little man has given me into gestion, then I know there’s something not right. And then you know that he’s talking about the little man, the whole movie is talking about his gut. He’s talking about his intuition.

There’s a great book by Malcolm Gladwell called blink, it’s called, Blink. Special looked it up ahead of that. It’s just now hitting me remembering this book. And the whole concept. I have it here. Gosh, darn it, maybe I can. If it’s up, yeah, here it is.

Blink, by Malcolm Gladwell.

It’s the Power of Thinking without thinking. The idea behind it is that we all have something that kind of gives us a clue as to whether something’s right or wrong, whether it’s real or not, he talks about in that book, people that are able to tell when a painting is a for forgery, or not.

That there’s there’s something on the inside that gives us you know, some people may call it a BS detector, you know, it’s same thing.

Your intuition tells you there’s something that humans have that has, we have the ability to Intuit certain concepts that, factually, there’s no reason why we should know. But for some reason, we know and you can have your own religious beliefs or whatever about why that is.

But if you stick to that, if everything else seems right, but it’s telling you and not right now, it’s not a good time. You better listen to it.

The way I like to think of it, because it’s something that I’ve paid a lot of attention to.

And we’ve discussed on here it before, because I think it’s a really important thing that not enough people discuss. And I think it’s tied a lot to morality that we were talking about last time whether something is moral or not.

That it’s a very personal concept, but I call it a traffic light. Okay. It’s more of a traffic light. It’s not a yes or no, necessarily. It’s more of a traffic light.

And when I’m dealing with a situation that I’m not quite certain what’s going on, I watch the traffic light on the inside, and the traffic light is either green, meaning Yeah, move forward. This is right, do it.

Or red, which is not easy. Stop, stop. Don’t go any further.

Or as yellow where it’s like proceed with caution. And that is just not speed up but proceed with caution. And just pay attention. Just keep moving. And most of the time, I’m running on yellow.

Most of my life. It’s just, I’m running on yellow and air every once a while I get a red or a green. And it’s like, okay, but our speed up a little more or better slow down.

But that’s okay. I there’s nothing wrong with running on yellow, but you’ve got to keep paying attention because you never know when something else is gonna pop up. That won’t fit. I mean, the biggest steps in my life starting businesses getting married a whole bunch of different things. I knew they were right, if handled correctly, and they were usually yellow light opportunities, it wasn’t something if you’re excited about something, that’s a surefire way, that’s not gonna work.

But if you’re not too excited, but you’re interested, and you see how it could go, right, but you see also see how it could go wrong.

Then you just got to keep your eyes open, just move forward. Just keep going.

That it’s the reason why those first two questions to ask yourself are so important.

But this third question is the is the thing that wraps it all up. And it’s the one thing that could throw the whole thing off? If everything else is right, but you know, it’s not the right time. It’s not for you right now. Anything else, don’t do it.

There’s no reason to move forward with it. And you know, it’s not going to be it’s not gonna work out anyways, because something on the inside your little man is telling you, it’s not a good idea.

So something to keep in mind. And it’s one of those things that I bring up from time to time, that traffic light idea.

And it’s something that I don’t think we talk about enough, something we don’t discuss with our children enough. But it’s been a huge source of my personal success. And my happiness in life is just paying attention to what’s on the inside telling me what to do that i think i personally I think it comes from a good place.

I think we all have access to that. So just a little piece for me to you.

Hopefully that’s helpful. If you want some other ways to be able to kind of spark your intuition and kind of give you ideas on where to go next. Especially if you already have a business and you’re moving forward with that.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com AmazonProofBook.com. We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and just let the magic happen.