3 Focusing Questions

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️ https://brianjpombo.com/amazonbook/


3 focusing questions?

All right.

So we talk about the focusing question from, The One Thing book. And that’s a great one if you’re just trying to figure out what to focus on immediately. But if you’re looking long term in terms of long-term strategy, there’s three questions you want to go through.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We do this every night, where we get together, talk a little bit about principles, strategies or tactics for you to be able to grow your business. Let’s talk a little bit about three things.

These are extremely simple questions, but because they’re so simple, most people do not take the time to sit down and ask themselves, these three questions. It will allow you to build a strategy from scratch.

In fact, they’re the three questions that I tend to ask in some way or form when I sit down with somebody for a strategy session.

So it was is really the initial meeting that I have with anyone, I normally refer to it as a strategy session. And sometimes it’s surrounding a specific goal or a specific idea.

But it always comes back to these three questions.

And I was reminded just recently, a webinar put on by, well, I guess you could say it’s a webinar. It was a live podcast recording of I Love Marketing with Joe polish and Dean Jackson. And Joe Polish was the one that reminded me of these three questions, and here’s what they are. Very, very simple.

Where are you?

Where are you looking to go?

How do you plan on getting there?

Simple, simple, simple, simple, but because we don’t sit down and acknowledge the simple things about our business, we can get lost in all the minutiae and all the craziness of the world and get caught up with all the shiny objects and everything else.

So if you got shiny object syndrome, I’m going to ask you to sit down and have somebody to talk it over with because it’s a little bit difficult to just kind of map it out yourself, at least I found. It’s not easy.

I normally would need to have a person there working with me.

It was just, why I offer myself up to work with other people. And I asked you those three questions. If we were just to pull all my questions down to three, those are the three most important.

Where are you?

In terms of if we’re talking about your business, which is, in most cases, what we’re talking about your business, your cause, whatever it is that you’re working in.

Where are you?

Where do you see yourself?

It’s very subjective question. It should be objective, but it’s not. It’s very subjective.

We’re talking about subjective terms here.

So where do you see it? Where do you see yourself at?

Where do you want to go based on where you see yourself, you’re going to see one or two be somewhere else, you’re going to want to see your business in a different state, you’re going to want to see it better, faster, whatever.

Those two are huge.

And then how are you planning to get there?

That’s the toughest one because in a lot of cases, we are planning to get there where we want to get there. We hope we get there. But we don’t necessarily have a step by step plan to get there. Okay.

Three questions, three extremely simple questions that if you could sit down and map that out, if you work with a team of people or with partners, sit down and ask those questions. And don’t stop until you’ve got it fully realized.

Where are we?

Where do we want to go?

How do we plan on getting there?

That’s a you can’t believe you can’t believe how many business owners I sat down with and they can’t answer those three questions. They can’t answer them with certainty.

That takes a while.

But they’re the simplest questions that should be the top questions you should be asking yourself when it comes to your business. Because a lot of times we feel uninspired or lost in all the craziness of the world all the mishmash minutiae, like I say, every little details, we get caught up in the details.

And we miss the forest for the trees because we don’t acknowledge that we have an expectation on the inside. And we’re not acknowledging it.

But that doesn’t keep it from not being there. You can’t just ignore it, because it’ll determine whether you feel like you are moving forward, sitting still or falling backwards.

Hopefully that makes sense to you.

If you’d like to be able to develop these ideas a little further, kind of brainstorm where you’d like to go and where you see yourself going. I got a great book for that just just came out last month.

It’s called, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You get a free Copy at AmazonProofBook.com. That’s AmazonProofBook.com. I’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and just let the magic happen.