Expectations: the Problems & the Necessity

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️ https://brianjpombo.com/amazonbook/


Expectations: the problems and the necessity of them.

I am Brian Pombo, welcome to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Using this just as it kind of gives you the expectation that he’s gonna fall down or something. I don’t know why, it just kind of played into the storyline hopefully.

Hopefully it makes a good video screencap. Old toy, don’t know if you ever ever seen these, they’re always interesting to me because it’s just an optical illusion. Most of the weight is right here. But it appears as though the weight is distributed out there but it’s not, it’s all kind of just an illusion.

I wanted to talk about expectations because it ties in good with our discussion last night. Last night we were talking about trust you know, and when you overextend on your trust with with people.

And expectations is very similar because it although it doesn’t only relate with people, you know, it relates with everything. When you expect anything, you can get into a whole bunch of trouble.

At the same time, if you don’t expect things to happen the right way, then they won’t.

It’s a weird, weird paradox there.

So let’s take the negative end first, because that’s the fun one, because everyone likes to say that you need to, you know, expect great things and this and this and that. One thing I found is you should always expect the best thing to happen but you should not get emotionally invested in a specific thing that’s going to happen.

It shouldn’t be an emotional thing.

It’s your your self worth. your self image should not be tied into a specific event or specific occurrence or a specific person to do a specific thing.

And that’s how it ties into trust, because oftentimes we’ll expect people to do great things. And when they don’t, they let us down, they let us down only because we set them up to do something that where they weren’t necessarily ever going to do.

That’s where that’s where trust gets mixed up. But it all comes back to an emotional state where we get caught up emotionally. Not that you shouldn’t have emotions regarding expectations, but you shouldn’t get so caught up in them.

You need to back away from the emotional end of expectations. And if you do that, you can still expect things to happen. But most things in life don’t happen the way you think they’re going to happen. They may still happen.

There’s a lot of great things that can happen in life that don’t happen the way that you would expect them to. And that’s, that’s where all the blessings are.

You know, everyone talks about the mixed blessings and these factors To list things that ended up happening to you, that you never could have predicted on your own. So it’s not, not all good things are dependent upon you expecting them. But expecting them is kind of tied in to it somewhere.

Napoleon Hill talks about this a lot about you don’t get and I believe was Napoleon Hill that you don’t get what you want, you get what you expect.

What you expect to come is what you end up getting.

And it’s more of a deeper, it’s deeper than emotions. Emotions are…we all will play a whole lot, pay a whole lot of homage to emotions, if that’s your heart. That’s where your gut is.

And it really isn’t.

There’s a deeper version to all of us that are way beyond emotions because animals are emotional. I mean, anybody can be emotional. That’s easy stuff.

The tough thing is being able to tap into that source on the inside that says this is the right thing to do in the right direction to go. This is meant for you that sense of destiny, like we’ve talked about before. And so I see the same thing with expectations.

You should expect the right things to happen. But don’t expect specifics. Because you’ll always get let down. You’ll always expect somebody to do something. One thing I tried to train people when I’m training groups of people not to expect everyone else to do something, it’s expected of yourself, but don’t expect it of others.

And then if they do do something great, that’s wonderful. It’s a cherry on the top. But you shouldn’t be expecting it. You see how this ties in with trust. If not go back and watch last night’s talk when we were discussing trust and how that all ties into it.

It’s the same concept though. Don’t expect, don’t get your your emotions tied up in your expectations. That’s what it really comes down to I expect a whole bunch of great things to happen.

I expect a whole lot of things coming in my life.

But I don’t know exactly how they’re gonna happen. And I don’t know exactly when they’re gonna happen, but I do expect them.

And I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. But I whenever I’ve gotten, I’ll give you a great example. So I mentioned before, I ran for state officer in all this was the late 90s. In California for the California FFA, they have this, this team of officers that you would go and apply for and you go through this rigorous test and everything where you you’re in front of a board and they ask you questions and all this other stuff.

So there was this big long process to go through. And I was certain because I had put in the hard work and had thought about it more and had discussed it with the people that mattered in just did everything my mind could think of to get there, I thought it’s mine.

I’ll be there. It’ll happen. It’s absolute.

I have no doubt in my mind, but that there was an emotional tie to it.

And when it didn’t happen, completely out of my control, it did not happen when I thought it was going to happen. My world got shook and turned upside down because I didn’t know that that was possible.

I figured if you did everything, then it has to happen. Right?

It just it just has to.

Sometimes it doesn’t happen in the way and in the direction that you think it’s going to happen. And really my deepest expectation wasn’t to be a state officer, my deepest expectation was to do something amazing with my life.

And I ended up doing some amazing things and still doing amazing things. Not I’m not patting myself on the back just my experiences. And I expected that to happen and I automatically tied it to that. position that I thought was automatically mine.

But you can’t you can’t get caught up with the details. Look at the big picture.

Expect the good thing. And I think the good thing will happen to you because it’s there’s something with faith tied in there I think I I don’t know. Hopefully that makes sense.

Kind of sounds like a ramble tonight but hopefully it touched on a few things. If you’d like to be able to take your business to the next level. If you think that if you expect that is in your future and you’re just looking for the pieces to be able to put that together. I might be able to help you on some of that.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can find that at AmazonProofBook.com, AmazonProofBook.com. We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.